my maternal uncle's son...abt 2 years old and has already taught me a BIG lesson....he came early into this world and had a struggle on his didnt help him that he was still small to come out here and had to be in the incubator.....foor almost 10 days.....i rememer seeing him in it....all red & blotchy and al of us had a prayer to "get him upto speed" or not get him here at was a continous struggle for 10 days for him and prayers by us that got him out of the dark and his first scream/cry was the sweetest soun to his parents who visibly relaxed after it...when he was abt 1...he was a quiet boy and wud stare at everything in open eyed wonder....we wondered how he was so quiet (all the kids in the family were known for notoriety) and had this constant fear....come circa 2008...and he flexed his muscles and showed us his was one thing after the other.....a toy car....the phone...cordless & mobiles that met their end at his hands.....our Sameer had woken up and hasnt stopped ever since....
now when's he falls...we dont fear he'll have trouble pulling himself up but that he does and moves onto to conquer it.....he's an active 2 year old that keeps us in constant fear of our precious / fragile possessions.....but in awe of his activities...he's so aware when he's actually made a mistake....a goofy smile after the deed and he gets away with murder :)
he's been a great strength in my life...showing me that after u fall...u dont look down but up and will only have up as a way to go......when u r at ur lowest....u have only one way and that is UP.....
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